Get your green tea and yoga mat out – it’s World Wellbeing Week!
We are kidding a little bit; obviously wellbeing is about much more than tea and yoga. It’s a broader and more important topic, and one that certainly came to the forefront in the last year and a half.
We really need to make sure we’re checking in with ourselves. Are we feeling OK? Are we feeling grounded? Healthy? Balanced?
In regard to “balanced,” it’s increasingly important to assess whether we have an acceptable work/life balance. You might not be stuck in the office late anymore, eating your lukewarm dinner alone, but who could have imagined there’d be a reality worse than that?
We had no idea. But then our work and home space merged into one, which means, there’s no differentiation. There’s no signing off for the day. Your work laptop is there, in your eyeline, while you’re chilling out in front of the TV. It’s 10pm and you just got a work email from the team across the pond, and you think, “I’m up so I may as well check this. Actually, I could probably just respond to that real quickly now, no big deal…”
Well, it is a big deal.
Our advice: force a separation. Working in your pajamas was fun for a few months. And it still is now and again. But falling out of bed every day to just wander to the sofa to work, waiting until 3pm to actually wash your face and then getting the fright of your life when you look in the mirror – it probably isn’t the best regular routine.
Having time outside to walk, do different activities, visit people you care about – sometimes those things might feel tiring to arrange – but you’re usually always glad you did them. So, commit yourself to a few a week if you can.
Anxiety has had a thriving year – probably one of its best so far. Frightening world events, huge changes to the way we live, less time with the ones we love and doing what we enjoy. Sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming, and lonely. So, when it feels too much, or you‘re just not feeling yourself, simplify everything. Start by just breathing. Give yourself time to switch off from your phone, shut off the noise, and get back to yourself. Allow yourself to feel down or have a bad day – sometimes just accepting you’re not feeling yourself is a massive relief.
eLearning Courses for Better Wellbeing
We’re biased in this advice, but eLearning can help. It’s a useful tool to guide you toward a more balanced life and to navigate the everyday stresses. It can’t solve all your problems, of course, but here are some course collections that we think could provide some nice uplift as we regain normalcy after a difficult period of time:
- Mindfulness. Find out how to handle pressure, how to deal with failure, and how to think like Marcus Aurelius. He really had that right idea, trust us. And, if you want a break from the videos, we’ve designed a lovely workbook full of resources to feel calmer.
- Personal Development. Explore how to develop resilience, manage stress, and get inspired once again.
- Health and Wellbeing. Look at healthier eating during the workday, kicking bad habits, getting active, and the five ways to wellbeing.
You can do it. Start small.
From all of us at SAP Litmos, Happy World Wellbeing Week!
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